Green Hair by BertoniSiswanto

Morning so damn upset but i`m just feel past it , running my feet through the ocean and bring my camera . Then i found front of my eyes A Green Hair Meadow , great to see sunrise here . But long time a go more beautiful because lots of Tofu Rocks , that meaning rock`s like tofu and lots of green hair too. This spot good to shot and get green hair rocks , specially this months before raining a lots . So this is my another photography …
Enjoyed my photography and God bless You All
If you wanna visit Bali and doing Landscape Tour Photography , can contact me as well at my fb : Bertoni Siswanto or Bertoni Siswanto Photography and my mail :
Press #m if you like to see better …
Thank`s All 😉

Mono Hidden Light by eyeofalens

Mono Hidden Light

If you look carefully you might see one or two remaining stars.
It as much as I was thrilled to se the sensor pulling out these cloud colors hidden to the the eye in this first morning twilight, I’m not afraid to say I was also pissed at the mentality of other photographers that turned up way after me, in fact I was the first here & had a position sorted , but the ignoramus side of some photographers shows up & just set up shop wherever they feel like without even a blink or common courtesy to ask! Its times like that I feel like using my tripod for other pusposes & reasons why I predominately prefer to shoot solo.Their ignorance forced me change postions without getting into an early morning barney.

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Vampich virgin by Vahlenkamp

Then he kissed her. At his lips touch, she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete. – F. Scott Fitzgerald