Finally Got You, Landwasser Viaduct :D by pensrud

Wanted to visit this location for years. Before moving to Switzerland I had seen images of this place, and saw images of the train rides through the region. I finally went out to capture the train in spring with snow on the ground. After hiking above it, and sitting on some cliffs for a few hours I went down and got wet, sitting in water and walking around the creek below searching for the best composition. Got wet, got numb, but my excitement in being there kept me warm. Great memory. Hope you like it.

Sun Down, Moon Down by pensrud

On a cold night up on a small lake in Switzerland I enjoyed a beautiful sunset, and moonset. As the sky darkened the moon followed its way down. Afterwards I was rewarded with a clear and crisp night full of stars overhead. Lovely night out in the snow. Wet and numb feet, but well worth it. For this image I was standing out on the water on frozen weeds. I kept sinking and had to be careful not to fall through. Fun times. 😀

Cloudy Sunset by pensrud

A gorgeous sunset out by westerhever. Am a big fan of this place. Have spent many nights and days here. Hope you like this one!

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse by pensrud

On a cloudy but beautiful evening in Texas was able to capture the different phases of the eclipse last night. I invited any interested neighbors out to photograph the eclipse and to teach them about night photography. Several neighbors came out for the event. Some brought their own cameras, some came and used mine, while I explained ISO, Aperture and shutter speeds and how they work together. Sent them home with some information and a few good images.

Great time.