Cosmic Pinnacles by AaronGroen

May 2016 workshop info –

Pinnacles Overlook single exposure shot. Taken 6/30/2014 – 1:00:56 AM
with a Canon EOS 6D and EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L II usm @ 30s f2.8 8000iso

Prints –

Inside out by FabioAntenore

i was on a Lake in the Mountains with really less wather.. so it was possible to go in to that really bib water tube (5 to 5 meters) and shot this really special perspective.. i used 5 deiifferent exposures and a flash for the inside of the tube.. the longest exposure was more then 6 minutes.

Radicality by msn_9

This is the quality or state of being fundamental, ie: Radicalism.
In Rainy season this year i got lucky to capture this vivid milkyway arc, with intense air glow or known as green sheen, along with orange distant town light noise.
In fact, the message here is to convey is SAVE TREES. Nothing else in entire galaxy can save us except TREES. They are the fundamental entity of survival and existence of life on planet EARTH.

milkywayvulcano;) by CmoonView

panorama of 20 exposures, taken in wallis, switzerland.
we climbed up a scree slope about 70 meters to get this view. the colors at the sky were fantastic, they are real! i edited them with a bit higher dynamic to show them better..

still some grass by CmoonView

wir kletterten auf allen vieren eine ca. 70 meter hohe geröllwand hoch, versuchten dabei keine steinlawine auszulösen und nicht herunter zu rutschen und im wasser zu landen..

die farben am himmel waren überwältigend!!
eigentlich ging der mond 30 minuten nach sonnenuntergang auf, doch es blieb dunkel, weil er hinter den umliegenden bergen blieb..

Creepy White House by AaronGroen

Creepy White House 2015 edit
Taken 6/22/2012 – 1:08:24 AM
Canon EOS 60D
EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
30.0 sec; f/2.8; ISO 2500, 16mm
@HomeGroenPhotography on Instagram